Thursday, 28 February 2013

Got a new Google Settings icon on your Galaxy Pocket?

You may have been surprised today to see a new app icon in your drawer, the Google Settings, getting you access to previously unseen dashboard of settings.

While the more tech savvy among us might suspect some hidden malware is at work, what’s actually at play is a silent update to the Google Play Services app.

As far as its functionality, however, it’s basically just a shortcut to your Settings > Accounts > Google options, giving you the exact same options you’d find there, with the addition of some Google+ sign-in settings as well.

Likely, Google will fill this space with some unique settings at some point in the future, but for now it’ll be just another (pretty) icon in your app drawer


  1. and what about the update that ive got :D

  2. i think teh update made that little icon

    1. oooh thx lol i think the whats new was that program

    2. haha...
      Friends thats the part of silent update by google itself. no intervention from user end is required.

  3. ooooooh my god

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