
Tuesday 18 September 2012

Warning to all pocket users

Hello guys,its been a while since I posted,because I messed my phone up trying to do some funny stuff.I want you guys to be careful in dealing with the Samsung galaxy pocket. For now, we know that full development have not really began and we all want to customise our phone, so we go to similar phone forums to look up tweaks for our phones. In my case I flashed clockwork clock work mod that is not compatible with my phone and I tried partitioning the sdcard and behold my lovely pocket went dead 4ever.with this I have come to a conclusion of waiting patiently for development to begin before you try any custom thing on your phone.There is a good news too there is a custom recovery for galaxy pocket and a custom stock rom available at xda developer . Will post about them in the next article,but if can't wait,you can go ahead to Google and search."galaxy pocket xda" then you will see the post about them.


  1. hi,

    Just wondering if rooting galaxy pocket voids its warranty. what if it is unrooted. does it bring back the warranty?


  2. yes, rooting voids the warranty but unrooting restores the warranty.

  3. Hi sir! what will happen to my samsung galaxy pocket s5300 if i flash the samsung galaxy pocket plus' s5301's rom to my s5300? REPLY ASAP

  4. Hi sir! what will happen to my samsung galaxy pocket s5300 if i flash the samsung galaxy pocket plus' s5301's rom to my s5300? REPLY ASAP


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